+1 (781) 558 6998

Remote Full Time Employees

The resource facotory is committed to provide seamless experience for its clients, from finding to onboarding either Full Time Remote Employees (FTRE) or Contract Remote Employees (CRE). We believe in transparency at full, hence all activities performed pre and post on boarding shall remain transparent to our hiring clients. 

TRF offices are well equipped, where employees are surrounded with the best communication and collaborative tools. All employees are required to do video conferencing, work from office, have onsite oversight, pick up drop services are available, and work from home flexibility is available to support client during extended hours.

Resource(s) will be hired full time for Client and dedicated to client works only. Resources can be developers, data analysts, network or cloud services engineers.

Client Responsibilities are:

  • Managing resources
  • Day to day task /project updates
  • Meetings with developers
  • Evaluate resource output & performance

Client will be managing the resource day to day tasks for project(s), conducting meeting(s), evaluate progress of resource(s) like FTE’s. Client is full responsible for the output of work.

Our Responsibilities are:

  • Finding candidates with required skill set and experience
  • Perform all background checks (Education, experience, References, civil etc…)
  • Timecard management
  • Managing Logistics
  • Ensuring Availability 
  • Ensuring devotion to client works
  • Ensure privacy of client business

TRF managers can be invited in meetings, employee performance evaluations on client’s request.  

Client Benefits:

  • Cheap resource rates (up to 60% -70% cheaper than US/Canada/UK full time employees)
  • Savings on Payroll Taxes
  • Saving on Employee benefits (Health Ins. / 401K etc.)
  • Office space and other misc. expenses
  • Month to Month commitment.